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Tilly's, Mare Paint full paper piebald chestnut,5 years old, top ride

Tilly measures 1m60 +au- and is really very well made despite her young age.

She has a great chest and a nice hindquarters, so would be really great for breeding.

Daughter of Susy Jully (QH Sorrel) x Chics Got Color (Sorrel/tobiano)


Born on 05/19/2016, she will be 5 years old this  year.

She is on the track at 3 speeds, can be lunged very easily, even jumps a small bar willingly on the lunge.


On a ride, she goes absolutely everywhere (see video), she is not afraid of traffic (large trucks, quads, etc.), she can just as easily go ahead or find herself behind other horses. She can even help us start young horses thanks to her kindness and ease outdoors.

She took part in a 3-day hike at the Abbaye d'Aulne led by a 12-year-old teenager with a night (river crossing, tourist center with traffic +++)

She has a great rhythmic and pleasant canter.

She really is a top touring mare.


We also took her to the lake with bareback swimming, she was exemplary and super easy.

She is beautiful, she is endearing and to put in her hand.

She can live in a box or in the meadow (currently in a paddock with another horse), however she has already lived with us in a box.

She is in order of passport, transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of parrage and deworming.


Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86

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