Dapple gray gelding, 8 years old
Born on 15/12/2012, he measures 1m58.
Pirracas is a very pretty well marked dappled gray gelding.
He goes for a ride alone and even if he is quite energetic, he is willing to work and could make a great dressage horse given his pretty raised gaits.
He took part in one of our one-week hikes at Mont Saint Michel with bareback galloping on the beach and encountering many pitfalls (bridge crossings, various traffic, galloping in the fields, etc.).
We went swimming at Lac du Val Joly with him and he was very good. It rides easily in van as well as truck.
It would rather suit a semi-confirmed or confirmed rider.
He is in order of Spanish passport (not full paper), registered with the CWBC, in order of shoeing, deworming.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86