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Valentino de la Luz, PRE bay,

born on February 14, 2021

Son of Nerea XXII (in his origins, only big houses: Granda Losada, Escalera, Yeguada Militar and Lazo Diaz, granddaughter of Zurcidor IX califiado breeder) and of GJM Jaleo (really very interesting origins, grandson of Cecos by the mother (young recommended and qualified breeder), grandson of Duquesa Sa  by the mother (qualified breeder), great-grandson of Lego by the mother (qualified and improved breeder), grandson of Pampero VII by the father (calificado); he has in his origins Marin Garcia, Escalera and Yeguada Militar).

A superb colt with size and bone (not surprising given his mother) but above all very close to humans and adorable. To come and meet him is to crack because he will do everything to capsize your hearts (he is really but really adorable)

He is really well made, he will be tall, strong, he has a short and well made back.

He has top origins and therefore is very interesting as a breeder or as a leisure companion given the kindness of his mother.


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The day of his birth: Valentine's Day <3

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Valentino is one week old (February 21, 2021)

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Valentino as of February 28, 2021

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and the little one grows up..... Outings in the meadow

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And Valentino grows: May 2021

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Valentino : 2 ans et demi

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