Daya de Lis, Shagya Thoroughbred Gelding,
9 years old, ideal for hiking/endurance
Daya de Lis, Shagya thoroughbred gelding, 9 years old, ideal for hiking/endurance
Daya is a very pretty bay gelding measuring 1m62.
He was born on 03/30/2013.
He is a purebred Shagya Arabian full paper gelding by Dahoman XXXIX x Naya de Lis (Shogun x Siglavy Bagdady XI 2 276). He has very good origins.
He goes on a walk alone, accompanied. He works on the flat and can also jump a small bar with will and enthusiasm. It is very easy, can be ridden both with a bit and with a halter (it is very light), it can be ridden bareback...
Daya is very endearing and affectionate, close to people, he likes being taken care of and enjoys working on the ground. It is really super easy to handle.
Given his origins, he certainly has energy but works gently, he has a super good mouth. It will therefore be very suitable for hiking, endurance for a semi-confirmed or confirmed rider.
Daya has been qualified for several endurance events (including a 60km endurance). He has great cardio. This breed has many qualities but is especially famous for endurance where the Shagya excels (for info horse of Hungarian origin used by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and by Emperor Joseph II in person).
It rides very easily in a van.
Daya is barefoot and has excellent feet.
He is in order of passport registered in the Shagya (full paper), transfer document, registered with the CWBC, in order of flu + tetanus vaccines, trimming, deworming. He also saw the dentist and the osteopath.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0494/58.64.77





