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Freedom, Paint mare, 5 years old,

really exceptional


She was born on 09/15/2015 and measures 1m57+au-.

Freedom is an adorable mare who, despite her young age, has a really top mentality !

She participates in our classes, our walks.

We took her swimming at the lake and she put all her riders at ease (bareback swimming, voluntary and with a lot of heart).

On a walk, she is extra. She passes over bridges, is not afraid in traffic etc.…


It can be ridden with an American saddle or in a more classic way.

She can live in the meadow with other horses or in a stable.


On the track, she is adorable and accepts bareback riding at 3 gaits, jumps a small bar and is super easy and just wants to please.


She is in order with her passport, dewormer, transfer document, registered with the CWBC.

She is a very pretty model and we want a 5* home for this extra mare.


Video :(incourse)

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