Rociera, Iberian mare,
13 years old, superb
Born on 1/01/2007, Our beautiful mare is 13 years old and measures 1m60+au-.
She is a superb mare with an exceptional frame, she is compact but above all very baroque and made like a whole.
She has bone but she also has class and chic.
Rociera does not move during the preparation, gives her feet, lets herself be lengthened,…
She is very pleasant under the saddle and could also make a great show mare (she goes on the support reins and would be very good for example for garrocha), she has aptitudes for dressage given her very pretty paces.
She also rode bareback at 3 gaits.
Rociera can also go on walks alone or accompanied and is really a top hiker. She goes absolutely EVERYWHERE, she goes there with the heart and like a warrior. She passes through the water, agrees to be in front even during the night in the woods, crosses bridges, is not afraid in traffic,...
A mare with a big HEART and for a 5* family.
To try it is to adopt it !
She is in order of Spanish passport with photos (not full paper), vermifuge, shoeing of the 2 front legs, transfer document, registered with the CWBC.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86