Ailledi, Comtoise cross mare Silver,
9 years old, size and chic
She was born on May 21, 2010 and is 1m65 tall.
She is a superb Comtoise crossbred mare while being quite lightly ridden.
It is carrier without being too wide so it remains very pleasant under the saddle.
It can be ridden on the track by all types of riders, it is really great and does not take the hand.
It can also be easily mounted bareback.
A superb mare with a very special and rare coat (Bay silver), she would be very suitable for breeding (mare with size, bone, chic) or for hiking or initiation in loin.
The cross from which she comes (from a Comtois trait father of proven origin and a saddle horse mother) is very interesting because it gives her strength to carry while being energetic enough to have fun.
It is in order of passport (not full paper but origin noted), registered with the CWBC, trimming and vermifuge.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86