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Tacones, Spanish Gelding,

5 years old, adorable and promising

He was born on 1/06/2015. He has a roanish gray dress, very pretty and really very well made.

He measures 1m55 and has a very expressive head.


He is a very determined horse and wants to please his rider.

He is easy going and listens.

He goes on a walk alone or accompanied ; and he can go in front or behind another horse, he passes through traffic and is not afraid.

He participated in a 4-day hike in the Ardennes where he was exemplary !

We also went swimming at the lake with him and he enjoyed it very much.


On track, he starts the lessons with our students and is really easy and gentle.

It can also be ridden bareback.


He is in order of Spanish passport with photos (not full paper), vermifuge, trimming, transfer document.

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