Carmela X, PRE grey, Granda Losada
Carmela is one of our PRE mares. She gave us superb foals: Gena de la Luz, Ferrero de la Luz. She has already had Isabelle and bay foals.
She was born on 2/03/2014.
She has a great mind and can suit ABSOLUTELY all types of riders.
She is calm and easygoing, has been participating in all our activities for 5 years: courses, internships, confidence building, walks, open days,...
She has already made many hikes and really goes everywhere, she goes alone or accompanied.
She went hiking in Val Joly, in the Baie de Somme, in the Ardennes, at the Abbey of Aulne,....
She jumps a bar, places herself at 3 gaits.
It can be ridden in side pull, bit, halter. She has participated in many training courses (work on the ground, freedom, clicker training,...).
She is in order of dentist, osteo.
A real nice mare for whom we will be looking for an excellent family.
It would be perfect for a family, for a center, for stressed people who need to regain their confidence, for hikers who simply want to have fun. It is a horse that can also be a teacher horse. This is really a great opportunity for a breeder or an individual.
She measures 1m55.
In its origins, we find mainly Granda Losada, very good origins.
She is in order of ANCCE Spanish passport (full paper) + title card, vermifuge, shoeing, transfer document
She is the mother ofGena de la Luzand ofFerrero de la Luz.
His origins :

In May 2014, Carmela gave birth to a superb filly robe baie
-> Gena de la Luz.

From a very baroque model, Carmela represents the real PRE