Lunero, Iberian picassa gelding,
10 years
Lunero was born on 12/11/2011 and is therefore 10 years old.
He measures 1m55+au-, an ideal height for hiking.
He has already taken part in a 3-day hike at Lac du Val Joly with one of our students. He does not move in traffic, passes over the bridge, swam in the lake, …
He participated in a 3-day hike in Le Touquet with a gallop on the beach, launching into the sea. During a whole part of the hike, he was in front and who guided. He prefers to be behind another horse but if asked he is also ok with going ahead and leading a group.
He can live in the meadow as was the case during the hike with 10 other horses, he respected the fences and is easy to catch in the meadow.
At the moment he is in the box and is also very calm there.
He is in order of Spanish passport (not full paper), transfer document, registered with the cwbc, in order of shoeing, vermifuge.
Tel: 0032/494.78.13.86 or 0493/96.48.01